We maintain our own AML Center which is a database of the major international sanction lists required for regulatory purposes in the major offshore finance jurisdictions. The Titan Platform fully integrates with our AML Center, checking names and details on a real-time basis, alerts you as to any potential matches, and lets you see the details. Any updates to relevant contact details – ie. additional investor names, changes to birthdates, changes to place of residence, prompts the Titan Platform to check again with the AML Center. Conversely, four times a day, we run the delta from the AML Center to your existing list. That way, you are always up to date (okay, maybe you will be behind by two hours or so!) in terms of KYCC. So there is no time wasted downloading a list and sending it off for matching, then analyzing the returned report to decide what you want more information on, and going back and forth asking for the rest of the information. Do you want to use this but also add your own lists or lists provided by your underlying clients? Not a problem, we can easily set that up for you. Do you want to continue to use your current AML checking? Not a problem. You don’t have to use our AML Center, though it is included at no extra charge.